Trevor Anderson, Super 16mm, 13 min, Edmonton

A frustrated waiter in a men's burlesque club, Zak yearns to star on stage as one of the sultry featured pole dancers. Little, sweet and cheap, he works the room as a shooter boy serving up sticky swallows in tiny plastic tumblers. Trevor Anderson's DINX! is a trip back in time gently revisiting old hurts not quite healed and an emerging identity yet to be fully realized.

Trevor Anderson is an award winning playwright, director and self-taught filmmaker. He is a founding member of the Edmonton rock bands The Vertical Struts and The Wet Secrets. Trevor was the inaugural recipient of the Lindalee Tracy Award at the 2007 Hot Docs Canadian International Film Festival in Toronto presented to 'an emerging Canadian filmmaker working with passion, humour, a strong sense of social justice and personal point of view.'